Friday, May 1, 2009


I always thought that dreams meant something. Now we're talking about dreams as in the little mini movies that play in your head while you sleep. Not like Hopes and Dreams, those are a whole different blog subject.

Anyway, I know there are the wives tales. Like if you dream about fish or fishing, you or someone around you may be pregnant. Yet when you dream you're pregnant that means something different. Who knows if those are true or not. I have never found a really good reference for interpreting dreams.

So I had a dream. It was shortly before my alarm went off this morning. I must have been at work and on a lunch break where I apparently walked home to eat. And this home was not my home (well not the one I live it). It reminded me of one of those brownstones in big cities or something. Well in the dream, I must have finished my lunch and went out the back door (which happened to be on the same side as the front) and locked it. Well my dog, my real dog Cynder, was inside and she started barking (just like she does in real life). As I got some distance, I turned and saw white smoke coming from the doors and windows and suddenly I was at the front door. As I walked up the stairs, the door flew open and a little girl with blonde curls (she was not one of my girls) carrying a stuffed toy and a silver dress walked out and Cynder crawled out behind her. Cynder asked me if I would carry her. Yes, the dog talked. So I scooped her up, grabbed the girl by the hand and proceeded to start yelling for someone to call 911. Finally, a store owner called and even though the fire station was right behind my house, it was a total loss, save for the shell. I woke up briefly at this point and thought "how sad and how brave my little Cynder is". Then I promptly went back to sleep. My alarm went off maybe a half hour later. I was so proud of my Cynder!

I often "feel" my dreams well into the day. I suspect Cynder will get some treats this morning :)