Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One stop shopping: insurance and....PORN?

In general, I'm a pretty healthy person. Not to say that I am the picture if health, more like I don't get sick enough for the doctor that often and my kids and hubby are the same. So we have health insurance mostly in case of accidents (like when I took the fast way down the stairs...). So I went in for my yearly exam (yes, that one) and got a new prescription for anti-baby pills. So I sent it off to my insurance company's new mail order company and thought everything was copacetic.

So a week or more goes by when I get this call from a computer that says we can't fill your prescription and you'll get a letter explaining why. What? Huh? No number, no "call customer service" nothing. Well since I know this is the only prescription I have pending with this new company, I'm a little freaked, but there's still more than 3 weeks to go on my current pack so I'm not frantic. I look on all the paperwork I have from the company, no telephone number, but there is a website. I visit the website and find that in order to call them, I have to input the customer number from my card. WHAT? I haven't gotten a card from them!! So I get out my insurance card. Call the number on the card for member inquiries and here's the message: "Hey big boy..." ????? I hang up, surely I have dialed the wrong number, it is toll free right? So I dial again. "Hey big boy..." First off, I have a problem since I'm not a big boy. Secondly, how could I get it wrong TWICE. So I dial a third time. This time like a 3 year old who is just learning the numbers. "Hey big boy" Holy CRAP!

By now, I'm getting mad. I'd actually say pissed, infuriated, really really peeved. Between having a useless computer call me and now the porn, it's really getting to me. So I head to the website to find another number. Any other number will do at this point. I'm sure my BP is skyrocketing. Probably I'm gonna need authorization for admittance to some sort of cardiac ward. I find another number, call it and get a very pleasant woman on the line. The only problem with that is that I don't want pleasant. I want someone who is just as pissed as I am at this injustice! So she needs my information. There is nothing worse than having to remember your zip code when you're mad. Well there are worse things, but at the time it sure you wouldn't have convinced me. So before I can get the whole thing out (name, address, telephone, capital of Yugoslavia) I just blurt out "I just want you to know I'm mad" and proceed to tell her the whole story culminating with the porno number on the insurance card. She was extremely apologetic about the number. It's being corrected, we'll send out new cards, that kind of stuff. So as she is looking up the telephone number for the prescription place, I must have calmed down because I start giggling. It really is ridiculous isn't it? Which gets her to giggling. It really is funny in hindsight. I get the number and call the place. They can't tell me why they can't fill it.....HUH? and give me another number. Which I find out after I call that it's my insurance company. Freaking-A. So get this. Since it's a mail order company and they send me 3 months at a time, the prescription that I have is not right. It's for 28 days with 11 refils, but the company wants 90 days with 3 refils. I guess they just don't get that it's the same damn difference....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The white rabbit/ Bye Bye Ruby

A strange thing happened to us Monday morning. The children had spent the night with their grandparents, but we were expecting them back home and then we were all headed to St. Augustine. While we were waiting, hubby decided to go out and put a box in the shed. When he came back in he said "There is a huge, white rabbit out by the shed."

To which I replied "A WHITE rabbit?" "Yes, a white rabbit. " "It's probably someone's pet, this I gotta see."

So I headed out side and sure enough there it was nibbling in a clover patch. It let me get within 2 feet of it before leisurely hopped a few feet and stopped. It went over to the dirt under the swingset and proceeded to dig some and roll in it (reminded me of my dog). I followed it around the yard all the while thinking that this had to be a pet. We have rabbits in our yard all the time, but they are those little brown ones and instantly bold for the fence when they hear us coming. We decided (well mostly I decided) that we should catch it and try to find the owner. Catching it proved to take a little patience and a milk crate. I was out of carrots, but had some iceberg lettuce, which she took little interest in. I had to sneak up on her and real quick get the crate over her. I'm sure this dance would have won me the $10k on America's Funniest Home Videos...

So we got her in the house and you would not believe this. She is the most gentle sweet animal I have ever met. She lets us pet her, handle her, pick her up and even endured inspection by our dog with little protest. She has been sleeping on a towel in our unused garden tub and eating Timothy Hay and carrots for the last 2 days. We put up some signs, but haven't gotten any nibbles. I did email an acquaintance who lives at the other end of the neighborhood. She knows of someone in the neighborhood with a bunny, but not sure if it's theirs.

UPDATE to the story.

We did have a response to the poster. Turns out, Ruby lives just 4 houses down. And is not Ruby, but Batman. She has a human brother...and boys like Batman I guess. So with some tears and promises of someday getting a bunny of our own, we said goodbye. We'll miss you Ruby/Batman.