Rotisserie chicken!!!
Man, I love that stuff. For under $7 our family of four gets tonight's meal, enough left for chicken salad or chicken and dumplings (that recipe later) or chicken soup. Plus the bones make a great broth for cooking rice or pasta or cous cous or the base for the soup.
Last night, the girls had a "sleepover". Basically in our house that means pulling the trundle bed out from H's room and letting E sleep in there. Also, they get to break a rule or two. The rule breakers this night was bedtime (usually around 8, they were up till 9) and I let them watch TV in there until bedtime. You would have thought I'd let them rob a bank. They were snickering like a couple of villans! I'll have to admit, it was too cute. So tonight is round 2 of the sleepovers. This time in E's room, she has a double bed. I'm not sure they're actually asleep, but this is how it looked last night....
So I thought I would be able to "sleep in" today. WRONG!! I ended up not babysitting (good for the mind, not good for the wallet) so I knew I didn't even have to set the alarm. But then I don't EVER have to set the alarm. It was 6:15 when I heard the first steps. Won't they ever sleep in? I know people who have kids that will sleep till 10am!!! My kids got weird internal alarm clocks...So again, I am lacking sleep. But then what else is new?
Oh sleep...I miss it soooo much. I too never have to set a clock...I set it...every weekday morning for 5am but I seem to crack the eyelids precisely at 4:59 every morning just to turn off the alarm. I think it must click loudly or something a few moments before it buzzes! The weekends it seems I am up by rest for the weary!
hm, about sleep, get this: I was commenting to my adult step-daughter (who is a single mom) about now that I am a mom, too, to my own little ones, that even if I COULD sleep late...I CAN'T sleep late anymore. I'm just wired differently now and sleeping late is a thing of the past.
Her reply: "oh, yeah, I know what you mean. As hard as I try, I can never sleep past 10:30".
I'll refrain from posting on what thoughts went through my head at hearing her say that, LOL!
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