Friday, January 30, 2009

Adventures at the ER Part 1

This is a repost of a blog I had previously posted on Myspace. It was December 31, 2006


My clutz ass took the fast way to the bottom of the stairs yesterday...then went out to the Waldo Dirt Mall for a few hours. Then lunch. By the time I got home, my foot was pretty darn swollen. And the baby needed a diaper change. And there were none in the house (because in my pain, I had forgotten to buy some). So after getting both kids unbuckled, and carting the baby and her associated paraphanilia up the stairs into the house (which there are only 4, but felt like 400) I had to go BACK outside to get the one diaper I had left in the car.

So I hung out till hubby got home at 4 and sent him to the store for diapers (with the baby just in case she needed changing again). When he got home from that, I was in severe pain. So off we go to Shands at Starke.

I guess we got there at about 6 PM. Signed in, went to triage then got bumped to the waiting room. As I was limping from the triage area, someone finally offered me a wheelchair (Which was kinda cool at first, but got pretty uncomfortable after a while). And we waited and waited and waited. Finally at 7ish hubby took the girls for McD's and brought me some back (which I had to eat outside). I guess it was 8 something when he finally took the girls over to my Aunt's. Thank goodness because they were bouncing off the walls.

So finally, after 30 minutes of the 5th Element, all of Sleepy Hollow and most of Enough(thankfully someone had turned the TV to TNT and they had movies on)I was wheeled back to the ER (Hubby was sentenced to more waiting room). Where I got parked in the hall. And waited. And watched and listened to the nurses chit chat.

FINALLY, Dr. Pete (Gianas to anyone not raised up in the area) took a look, wrenched my foot around and offered me pain pills and X-rays. I was definately up for the pain pills (tramador or something like says heavy duty stuff, 2 of them). So just when the meds are kicking in, i get to take a trip to X-ray. Thankfully, George didn't have to wrench my foot so much, in fact he didn't even get me out of the chair!

So back to the hall for me. At least this time they let hubby come back. So like five minutes after I'm back, another nurse comes up with another 2 of the same pills. Of course the first dose is kicking in and I'm feeling a little drunk so I know I looked at her like she had two heads and said I already got some of those (dummy, I know I should have taken them, but I didn't want to be comatose). So she says are you sure you already had them? DUH, it's my foot that's broke, not my brain, jackass. SO Yes. And she says who gave them to you?? (I guess they are pill pushers there at SAS) I say, the nurse with the Crocs. Turns out, Croc hadn't noted that she gave them to me in my chart and Questions was just doing what the chart says. Now I don't think a double dose of this would have taken me out of the game of life, but hey more powerful stuff...who knows.

So next I get a splint and crutches. Oh that was fun. I haven't walked on crutches before. And I get an audience at my debut! Now I'm the one getting the "are you mental?" looks. So I say are we done? And off we go.

I'm feeling somewhat better today, but have 48 hours of elevation and ice packs. But at least I have a Lortab perscription to fill. Is that better than percocet? I hope so. I'm almost out of percocet :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes, it's the flu

Well I went and did it. I got the flu. I haven't had the flu in years. Probably because I used to faithfully get the flu shot yearly. But I was working and they were free! I'm certain it's the flu and not just flu-ish since I have a fever. I can't seem to get warm. I'm shivering. My body aches. And I have vomited. I won't post the gory details (except that peanut butter must take a really long time to digest), but I had to laugh. See, I haven't barfed since I was PG with E, and that was 2005. I felt like Seinfeld...I broke my record :(

It hit me fairly fast too. My tum started aching at about 2 and I was full on feverish and nauseous by 7. So I have been camped out on the couch under a huge comforter. And admittedly, the girls have been pretty good. Playing fairly nicely, eating alone, being quiet so as not to wake daddy, and some minor chores (mostly since I don't have the energy to move, and that light really needed turning off. And the shoes put away. And that paper thrown in the trash). So in an effort to give them something that may take a while, I asked them to go make their beds. They are 3 and 5. I don't expect perfection. I didn't expect what I got either. See, E still has a changing table in her room. Only now, we use it for storage. There's shoes on the bottom, blankets in the middle, and pull ups on the top. Apparently, when I asked E to make her bed, she thought I meant to put every single blanket on her bed. And she did. And there are alot (we're talking 20 blankets here, mostly handmade, crocheted.) Her bed looks like the Princess and the Pea's bed. I heard both girls in there talking. H was saying "Would you let me help you with this one?" I knew what was going on, only I didn't have the strength to go capture it as it was happening. So here's the result....

I know it only looks like 7 or 8, but trust me, there are more under there. It's like a mountain of blankets! And it weighs a ton. I'm almost afraid to leave her under them for fear they might crush her lungs. But I just went in, and she is no longer under them all. I just wish she was this cute all the time :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

More resolutions

Well at least one. I resolve to floss regularly. Yes, I am a dentist's nightmare (or dream depending on their desire for making money). I brush regularly. At least twice a day, but I rarely floss. Which makes no sense. It takes like 60 seconds on top of the brushing. Like I don't have 120 seconds every day for good oral care. Unfortunately, the side effect of flossing after not is swollen, sore gums. Which may help with my second resolution since it hurts to eat...Hey maybe if I go 21 days and make the flossing a habit, I can also make eating soup a habit :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

WTF....ecclectic musings

Here's how my new year has started. Dog #1 and 2 on my carpet. Followed by a few hours of sleep. Then a restful day without the kids. Then when they did get home, the little one peed on the couch within one minute of being home, and got yelled at in front of her grand parents.

Is this a precursor to the rest of the year? Is my whole year going to be full of pee and poo? I'm a little frightened I'll admit. I refuse to let it happen, but sometimes I feel like I don't have that control. I guess we'll have to see.

I need to make some resolutions. The first one is yell less and think before I speak more. I have this nasty habit of saying the first thing that pops into my head. An old boss of mine called it Diarrhea of the Mouth.

The second resolution is one that will surely save my life. I desperately need to lose weight. A considerable amount of weight. I notice more and more that things are just not right. My knee hurts sometimes. My feet hurt constantly. My BP is elevated. There's other things too....fitting (or rather not) in my clothes, the seats at the Hippodrome, a booth at IHOP. So my second resolution will be to get some more exercise. I like to eat. So if I want to counteract my love of food, I need to burn more calories. Bottom line.

I'm sure I will come up with more. I'll write them down in my planner and hopefully this year I will actually act on them.

Today I learned something interesting. My father reads my blog. Maybe he is reading this right now.

There is a back story. Being the child of divorced parents, my father remarried several times. Apparently the first remarriage was more important than I, since I have seen him maybe 4 times since then. I know he has since married again, after that I really have no idea.

Strangely, he works at the same place as my father in law. And they know each other. I'm not sure as to what extent, but they are friendly. Well for Christmas, my sister in law gave us, her father, and her mother a photo of all of us with the kids nicely framed and matted. My FIL put his in his office. Yesterday, they (my father and FIL) were conversing, when the question "so what did you get for Christmas?" came up. So my FIL showed him the photo and said I believe that is your daughter. What was his response? Oh. OH? Which apparently led to him saying that I blog for the Sun and that he reads my blog. Well I don't blog for the Sun, I participate in the forums quite a bit. I guess I don't know how to feel about this. I mean to suddenly find out that a person that had little to do with my life for the past 21 years is lurking around the net watching me. It's a little weird.