Thursday, January 1, 2009

WTF....ecclectic musings

Here's how my new year has started. Dog #1 and 2 on my carpet. Followed by a few hours of sleep. Then a restful day without the kids. Then when they did get home, the little one peed on the couch within one minute of being home, and got yelled at in front of her grand parents.

Is this a precursor to the rest of the year? Is my whole year going to be full of pee and poo? I'm a little frightened I'll admit. I refuse to let it happen, but sometimes I feel like I don't have that control. I guess we'll have to see.

I need to make some resolutions. The first one is yell less and think before I speak more. I have this nasty habit of saying the first thing that pops into my head. An old boss of mine called it Diarrhea of the Mouth.

The second resolution is one that will surely save my life. I desperately need to lose weight. A considerable amount of weight. I notice more and more that things are just not right. My knee hurts sometimes. My feet hurt constantly. My BP is elevated. There's other things too....fitting (or rather not) in my clothes, the seats at the Hippodrome, a booth at IHOP. So my second resolution will be to get some more exercise. I like to eat. So if I want to counteract my love of food, I need to burn more calories. Bottom line.

I'm sure I will come up with more. I'll write them down in my planner and hopefully this year I will actually act on them.

Today I learned something interesting. My father reads my blog. Maybe he is reading this right now.

There is a back story. Being the child of divorced parents, my father remarried several times. Apparently the first remarriage was more important than I, since I have seen him maybe 4 times since then. I know he has since married again, after that I really have no idea.

Strangely, he works at the same place as my father in law. And they know each other. I'm not sure as to what extent, but they are friendly. Well for Christmas, my sister in law gave us, her father, and her mother a photo of all of us with the kids nicely framed and matted. My FIL put his in his office. Yesterday, they (my father and FIL) were conversing, when the question "so what did you get for Christmas?" came up. So my FIL showed him the photo and said I believe that is your daughter. What was his response? Oh. OH? Which apparently led to him saying that I blog for the Sun and that he reads my blog. Well I don't blog for the Sun, I participate in the forums quite a bit. I guess I don't know how to feel about this. I mean to suddenly find out that a person that had little to do with my life for the past 21 years is lurking around the net watching me. It's a little weird.


Mom! Dude! said...

Hm, that would be kind of a weird feeling, I imagine. Did you just recently learn that your father and your FIL worked together?

On another note, one of my 2009 goals is weight loss and exercise, as well. Perhaps we can help keep each other motivated and inspired throughout the year, maybe plan some weekend walks/park time for the kids together? I need all the help I can get, LOL!

Karen L. said...

Well I agree with Jam that the lurking is a bit strange, also a bit melancholy.

On the resolution idea...well I won't make a 'resolution' because I never keep them. I did make a decision the other day though and I bought a mini trampoline and the attachments which include pieces to work out your arms along with the trampoline routine. It also has a DVD work out included. I have been looking for something low impact to use because I had surgery on my knee after a car accident and can no longer walk(long distances) or jog as the impact is too severe. Meeting for walks and park time sounds great too!!

Caryn said...

Thanks gals. Walking/play dates would be fun!