Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Full moon fever? Tuesday evening idiots? What is wrong with people today???

So I just got home from a trip to the grocery store. On the way there, I was tailgated by no less than 3 people. I was doing the speed limit!!!!! So I slowed down in a passing zone to let each of them by.

Get to the store. They recently reset the store and I have to spend at least 20 extra minutes walking around looking for stuff because nothing is where it used to be!!!

Then as I'm loading my groceries into the trunk, with my purse in the child seat (which I hardly ever do when I'm alone because I have to turn my back to it) this guy comes flying past me! So I immediately check to make sure my purse is intact, thankfully it is. But there is a grocery store employee following the man out with her cellphone to her ear. I ask if she was following him, she says yes. He had just shoplifted. I LOATHE shoplifting. There is not a grocery store manager in this country (or at least very few) that won't give some necessities to someone who is genuinely in need. I have done it myself when I was a manager. If someone goes to the manager because they have no food, usually they will give them a loaf of bread, peanut butter, something to get them by. At the very least, you want a customer for life, and at the very best, it's just the right thing to do. It makes me mad to know that even if I had tried to help her by say pushing my cart in front of him, I would have probably been sued because he was injured. And given the fact that as I watched him cross the street, he was pulling something out of the front of his pants, I'm guessing it wasn't a jar of Jif.

Then on the way home I'm in an area that goes from 30MPH to 40 to 50 finally to 60. I was into the 40. And you don't speed on this stretch. Police hide. So I don't know if the girl behind me was just not from around here, but she comes barreling up on me, flailing her arms around, mouth steady moving (I can only assume the obscenities coming out). I was doing 40! Maybe even 42!!! Luckliy there are several speed limit signs in this area so as I came upon one, I put the window down and pointed at it. She actually backed off a bit, but let me tell you, that woman (and by woman I mean bitch) is lucky I didn't think to do a break check!!!! Especially since I didn't have the kids with me! My neck hurts just thinking about it!



Mom! Dude! said...

Yesterday was a bad day for everyone...I think you're right...full moon fever...but funny story!

Caryn said...

I hate that too. I want to hang a big sign in my rear view window that says GO AROUND! Actually, when gas was up at $4 a gallon, I would not driver more than60 mph and found that I got such better gas mileage that way. I wanted to have bumper stickers made saying " I'm not slow, I'm saving you money"

MoodyMommy said...

You are one of my Favorite Bloggers!!! I am connecting with you through Bloggers Connect..please do the same..

Anonymous said...

LOL...your life is full of adventures, ha?! Not a dull moment to live by. I guess the wonderful life of motherhood! thanks for sharing that...I needed a good laugh!

Safe hugz!

Anonymous said...

BTW.. I see you still following my old blog...my you've missed alot then from the new blog! (wink-wink)
